2 minute read


To create a demo to select points and show useful informations in Matlab gui.


  • A custom callback function file, *.m file
  • Call the callback function anywhere you need

Step 1: Custom callback function file format

I searched callbackClickA3DPoint function in Matlab File Exchange website.The codes is shown as following.

function callbackClickA3DPoint(src, eventData, pointCloud)
% CALLBACKCLICK3DPOINT mouse click callback function for CLICKA3DPOINT
%   The transformation between the viewing frame and the point cloud frame
%   is calculated using the camera viewing direction and the 'up' vector.
%   Then, the point cloud is transformed into the viewing frame. Finally,
%   the z coordinate in this frame is ignored and the x and y coordinates
%   of all the points are compared with the mouse click location and the 
%   closest point is selected.
%   Babak Taati - May 4, 2005
%   revised Oct 31, 2007
%   revised Jun 3, 2008
%   revised May 19, 2009
global indexOfPoints

point = get(gca, 'CurrentPoint'); % mouse click position
camPos = get(gca, 'CameraPosition'); % camera position
camTgt = get(gca, 'CameraTarget'); % where the camera is pointing to

camDir = camPos - camTgt; % camera direction
camUpVect = get(gca, 'CameraUpVector'); % camera 'up' vector

% build an orthonormal frame based on the viewing direction and the 
% up vector (the "view frame")
zAxis = camDir/norm(camDir);    
upAxis = camUpVect/norm(camUpVect); 
xAxis = cross(upAxis, zAxis);
yAxis = cross(zAxis, xAxis);

rot = [xAxis; yAxis; zAxis]; % view rotation 

% the point cloud represented in the view frame
rotatedPointCloud = rot * pointCloud; 

% the clicked point represented in the view frame
rotatedPointFront = rot * point' ;

% find the nearest neighbour to the clicked point 
pointCloudIndex = dsearchn(rotatedPointCloud(1:2,:)', ... 

h = findobj(gca,'Tag','pt'); % try to find the old point
selectedPoint = pointCloud(:, pointCloudIndex); 

if isempty(h) % if it's the first click (i.e. no previous point to delete)
    % highlight the selected point
    h = plot3(selectedPoint(1,:), selectedPoint(2,:), ...
        selectedPoint(3,:), 'r.', 'MarkerSize', 20); 
    set(h,'Tag','pt'); % set its Tag property for later use   

else % if it is not the first click

%     delete(h); % delete the previously selected point
    % highlight the newly selected point
    h = plot3(selectedPoint(1,:), selectedPoint(2,:), ...
        selectedPoint(3,:), 'r.', 'MarkerSize', 20);  
    set(h,'Tag','pt');  % set its Tag property for later use


fprintf('you clicked on point number %d\n', pointCloudIndex);
indexOfPoints = [indexOfPoints;pointCloudIndex];

Step 2: Call the function

set(gcf, 'WindowButtonDownFcn', {@callbackClickA3DPoint, v'}); 

The v can transmit data to pointCloud. It is worth noting that the callback function cannot transmit data to main function.If you want to get back data, you can declare global variable in both callback function and main function. Such as:

global x